Monday 4th January 11.15am
The District Council offices are open today as normal. You can call the contact centre on 01727 819285 or the switchboard on 01727 866100. Out of hours the helpline number is 01727 811155. For further details on opening times see the St Albans webpage.
Meals on Wheels
They are working to ensure the needs of clients of the meals on wheels service continue to be met across the New Year period and immediately after New Year. Herts Community Meals are operational.
Refuse and Recycling Collection In Winter Conditions:
Most scheduled New Year collections will occur 2 days later than usual, therefore, please refer to for specific information about your area. Please ensure that your refuse and recycling boxes / bins are out for collection by 7am.
From the 18th January 2010 please refer to the new calendar on the back page of Recycling News. If you haven’t received your copy and would like one, please call Client Services on 01727 819285.
Please share this information with anyone who may not have access to the internet.
See the dedicated refuse and recycling website: for detailed information, including scheduled collection times in the New Year.