London Road drainage survey

Hertfordshire Highways will be carrying out a drainage survey at in London Road. Work will involve flushing the existing highway drainage pipes clean and inspecting their condition using a CCTV camera. The work will take place between the junctions with

Highfield Park Drive and St Vincent Drive . The survey will also extend along Milehouse Lane up to the junction with Cottonmill Lane.

The survey is programmed to start on 22nd February 2010 and will take around four nights to complete. The working hours will be between 8:00pm and 11:30pm on each night. Herts Highways have purposely programmed this survey to coincide with the resurfacing scheme taking place further along London Road. The reason for this is that London Road will be closed to through traffic during this period, which will mean traffic levels are low and congestion kept to a minimum. To enable us to carry out the survey safely the staggered junction at London Road, Milehouse Lane and St Vincent Drive will operate under four-way traffic control for a short period of time. Please note that this will take place within the closed section of road and will mainly be in operation to assist vehicles requiring access. All traffic management restrictions will only be in place during the working hours. Access to properties will be permitted at all times. However there could be periods when vehicular access might be restricted. Herts Highways will endeavour to keep this to a minimum and provide assistance where necessary.

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