Daisy Coopers latest E-News

The update below includes new information on:

  • Shielding constituents – new HCC phone line for care needs 
  • Volunteer support from Communities First – information leaflet coming
  • Self-employed – new package of support announced
  • Citizens Advice Bureau – service changes 
  • Age UK advice on staying safe at home – online and offline
  • Which? Consumer rights advice – insurance, cancelled travel and events 
  • Mental health – links for all, including young people 
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline
  • DistanceSINGALONGfor adults with learning disabilities 
  • Scammers now targeting by text message 
  • Household Waste Recycling Centres – keep your bulk waste at home!
  • How to get my e-newsletter

Shielding constituents – new HCC phone line for care needs 

If you are a vulnerable ‘shielding’ constituent you should receive a letter from the NHS this week with details on how to access help. In addition, if you need help with care (or if you know someone who does), you can contact Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services on this new helpline: 0300 123 7577

Volunteer support from Communities First – information leaflet coming

Later this week Communities First will deliver a leaflet to every household so that everyone in our area knows of their existence and has contact details. If you need help, they can help you. You can contact Communities First on 020 3559 3559. Every volunteer has a DBS security check, requires two references and must provide ID. This is a safe way of accessing volunteer support. If you are not vulnerable and don’t have symptoms, please volunteer without delay. Individuals can sign-up using: www.communities1st.org.uk/COVID-19-community-signup

Self-employed – new package of support announced

Today (Thurs 26th March), the government has announced a taxable grant to some of the self-employed. It will be 80% of average profits over the past three years, up to £2,500 a month. The intention is to create the same amount of support as that already announced for furlough employees. The Government has also suggested that tax and national insurance advantages for being self-employment may be reviewed after the COVID-19 crisis. This support will be in place from the start of June, but can be backdated to March. Those who have not already filed their tax return for the last financial year will now have four weeks to do so. Those who cannot benefit from these measures, can apply for Universal Credit up to £1,800 a month. See here for details: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/chancellor-gives-support-to-millions-of-self-employed-individuals

Citizens Advice Bureau – service changes 

Citizens Advice St Albans District has announced that face-to-face advice services in the St Albans Civic Centre, as well as outreach services in Harpenden, Redbourn, London Colney and Wheathampstead, will be suspended for the foreseeable future.

People who have already booked appointments should not attend and should call Citizens Advice St Albans District on 01727 811118 for a telephone appointment.

There are a number of ways people can continue to get advice during this time.

  • Visit the Citizens Advice website at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ for advice and to chat online to an adviser 
  • Get help with a new claim for Universal Credit by calling the Universal Credit Help to Claim line on 0800 1448444.
  • Call Citizens Advice St Albans on 01727 811118 between 10am & 4pm to request a phone appointment with local advisers.
  • Visit www.castad.org.uk for local webchat and email advice
  • Seek general advice from the Hertfordshire Adviceline service, which people can reach by calling 03444 111 444, or 03000 3300 650 from a mobile.
  • Contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133, or chat online to an advisor on our website, for advice on consumer issues (e.g. issues related to products or services you’ve purchased).

Waiting times for some of these services may be slightly longer than usual as we adapt to our new patterns of working.

Age UK advice on staying safe at home – online and offline

Being asked to stay at home can be more of a worrying time for some than others. For more information on safeguarding during this worrying time, information on how to avoid scams, and how to deal with an abusive partner, former partner or family member: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/coronavirus/staying-safe-and-well-at-home/staying-safe/

Which? Consumer rights advice – insurance, cancelled travel and events 

Which? has created a consumer rights hub to keep people updated with useful information and advice: https://www.which.co.uk/news/coronavirus/

It is completely free for anyone to access, and brings together all the latest news, updates and advice on issues related to Covid-19. This includes what people should do about cancelled travel arrangements, postponed events and insurance issues; right through to helping people to spot fake news and scams, how to manage their finances if they find themselves in an uncertain situation, and recommending technology to help them stay in touch with elderly and self-isolated friends and family. 

Mental health – links for all, including young people 

I know that many residents may be feeling anxious about the Coronavirus and how it could affect them and their families. 

Mental health charity MIND has practical advice and tips for looking after your mental health and wellbeing whilst staying at home, including a handy checklist to help manage this.


They also have information specifically for young people who are worried about coronavirus and want to know how to cope with changes to their lives. 

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline is 0808 2000 247

You can speak to a member of the National Domestic Abuse Helpline team atany time, day or night. The Helpline adviser will offer confidential, non-judgmental information and expert support. The team will provide a listening ear if you want to talk about your experiences and support you to work through your options in the short and long term. The Helpline can also help you to access refuge accommodation, or other specialist domestic violence services, if you need them. It uses the services of Language Line to provide access to interpreters for non-English-speaking callers. You can also leave a voicemail which tells them when a safe time to call you back would be. In an emergency, always call 999

Distance SINGALONG for adults with learning disabilities 

Electric Umbrella volunteers are running EU TV via Facebook Live and Zoom – four times a day so that anyone can interact musically from home or just listen eg. Social Distant-Sing  – see https://www.facebook.com/ElectricUmbrella. The team have set this up because the mission to prevent isolation for adults with learning disabilities has suddenly taken on new resonance in the current crisis. Please join the Facebook link if you are interested.

Scammers now targeting by text message 

Do not open Links on text messages from senders you do not recognise. There are scammers sending text messages which claim that you can get an HMRC goodwill payment by clicking the link. This is a scam. You should not click through to any links sent by text messages that you do not recognise. 

Household Waste Recycling Centres – keep your bulk waste at home!

Over 500 residents have tried to access our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) since the Government announced restrictions on non-essential travel. All HWRCs in Hertfordshire are closed and visiting an HWRC is not essential, please do not try to go to one.

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