Hertfordshire Council’s hugely expensive and inappropriate “Spin Machine” has spun out of control again. Leader of the Opposition on Hertfordshire County Council, Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst has made further complaints, this time regarding press releases issued by the Council that are inaccurate and misleading.
During the Christmas silly season the massive County Council press operation issued a press release regarding a Conservative County Councillor’s locality budget and how they had spent it. According to the statement issued by the Herts press team on 28th December one County Councillor had managed to provide a traditional 3 course Christmas meal, drinks, entertainment, transport and Christmas gifts for only one pound per head. After reading the press statement Liberal Democrat Leader Stephen Giles-Medhurst said “The statement issued by Herts County Council was very badly worded. If the initial press statement was taken at face value anyone might think that there had been a Christmas miracle with loaves and fishes. I have complained and have received assurances that misleading press releases like this won’t be issued again. However with a team of 26 staff that cost £3,000,000 a year I don’t think this mistake should have been made at all.
“This is not the first misleading mistake the County Council communications team have made, they have sent out emails claiming that Lib Dem Councillors made decisions to turn street lights out in their Divisions when in reality Lib Dems sought local flexible schemes, where local people had a say. The Council press team also published links to the Conservative decision to build the giant Hatfield Incinerator on Lib Dem Councillors pages – causing some local people to believe that Liberal Democrats had supported this plan when this is clearly not true.
“This spin machine needs to stop spinning, and at the very least check their facts. In these difficult times when the Council is re-examining all expenditure the Liberal Democrat Team will be looking at investing more money in protecting front-line services to Hertfordshire residents and spending a lot less money on spin”.